Welcome to Heage Primary School
At Heage Primary we are committed to provide a high-quality learning environment that combines a caring and nurturing ethos with high expectations so every child can achieve their full potential. Our environment is incredibly important to us as we have magnificent grounds that enable us to utilise outdoor learning to the full. We are a fully trained Forest School and our extensive wooded area within our grounds is used to faciitate this learning.
We place a great emphasis on the development of all the skills needed to learn and flourish so that, during their time at Heage Primary, children gain a life long love of learning.
We hope you find our website useful, however nothing can take the place of seeing our school in action.
If you would like to find out more about our amazing school please contact the school office and we would be delighted to show you around and answer any questions you may have.
Call the School Office on: 01773 852188 (8.30-4.30) or e mail: info@heage.derbyshire.sch.uk