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School Meals

School Lunches

Meals are available to all children through Derbyshire County Council Catering; they are government funded in Reception, Years 1 and 2. They are cooked on site in our school kitchen. To find out more please follow the link above. They are delicious and remain good value at £2.30 per day. Payment is due in advance via your child's ParentPay account, although most parents pay a half term in advance.

Special diets can usually be catered for but we will need parental consent and a medical referral from either your child's General Practitioner or Dietician.

Free Meals are available in certain circumstances, for children in years 3 to 6. For further information follow this link or ask at the school office.

Sandwich Meals

Children may also choose to bring a packed lunch from home, though please do not send any glass bottles, fizzy drinks or snacks containing nuts.
As a member of the Health Promoting Schools initiative we encourage children to eat healthily. If your child brings in a sandwich meal, please avoid crisps, chocoale and sweets. Fresh fruit/veg and yogurts can provide a healthy alternative. Please clearly name your child's lunch box.

Water Bottles

All children are encouraged to bring in a water bottle from home that can be replenished throughout the day as research shows drinking water aids concentration. Children may NOT drink any other drink continuously during lesson time as this is detrimental to a child's health and teeth.

Healthy Break Time Snacks

All Key Stage 1 children (R,Y1&Y2) receive a piece of fruit or vegetable during morning break time (funded as part of the Government Initiative scheme). Key Stage 2 children may bring in healthy snacks from home such as fruit, yoghurt tubes or cereal bars etc to eat at morning break. However, due to severe allergies, please note that the school is a Nut and Pea Free environment.

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