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Leadership team

  • Mrs Hallam - Headteacher, DSL and SEND Lead
  • Mrs Roberts - Deputy Head, Maths Lead, KS2 co-ordinator,  PSHE Lead and Deputy DSL and SEND Lead
  • Mrs Cottrell - KS1 Lead, English Lead
  • Ms McAnulty - Well-being and Safeguarding Lead - Deputy DSL

Our Fantastic Teachers

  • Miss Haynes - Froggatt (Reception), EYFS Lead
  • Ms Galland - Kinder (Year 1)
  • Mrs Cottrell - Windgather (Year 2), KS1 Lead, English Lead
  • Ms McAnulty - Castle Naze (Year 3), History and Geography Lead
  • Mrs Price - Hen Cloud (Year 4), Art and DT Lead
  • Mrs Roberts - (Materity Cover) Derwent (Year 5)
  • Mrs Darnell - Raven Tor (Year 6), PE Lead
  • Miss Hickton - Raven Tor (Year 6)

Our Wonderful Teaching Assistants

  • Mrs Clark
  • Mrs Craven
  • Mrs El-Gothamy
  • Mrs Evans 
  • Miss Hickton
  • Mrs Hollingsworth (Music Lead)
  • Mrs Morley 
  • Mrs Nash 
  • Mrs Saint
  • Mr Walker
  • Miss Jackson
  • Miss Riggott

Our Amazing support staff

Office Staff

  • Mrs Shaw
  • Mrs White

After School Club Staff

  • Mrs Clark
  • Mrs Ward
  • Mrs Holgate
  • Mr Walker

Kitchen Staff

  • Derota Speed
  • Julie Slater

Midday Staff

  • Mrs Nash (Senior Midday Supervisor)
  • Mrs Ward
  • Miss Jean
  • Mrs Holgate
  • Mrs Pardner

Caretaking and Cleaning 

  • Andy Townsend
  • Beverley Townsend

Financial information:

Number of school employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more = 0

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